Saturday, March 14, 2020

4 Great Going Away Gifts for Coworkers - TheJobNetwork

4 Great Going Away Gifts for Coworkers - TheJobNetworkEver wonder what to get a coworker whos leaving your schreibstube? This person may have become a real friend outside of work. Or he or she might be a face to nod and smile at in the hallway, with whom youve spent very little time outside the office. Either way, its nice to commemorate the time youve spent working together. Its just very often hard to think of what to get for the going away toxikums. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) Maybe the most appropriate thing to do is band together as a team and chip in a little (say, $5-10) for a larger, more expensive group gift. If that turns out to not be the best option, you can consider individual gifts. Just keep in mind that whatever gift you give should be something theyd be comfortable with unwrapping in public, in a professional setting.Here are some great ideas for departure gifts.Gifts for the Coworker Moving AwayIf your coworker is r elocating, particularly somewhere new where they dont have roots, consider a gift related to their new localea book about the history or food culture of a place, a local guidebook or restaurant guide, etc. Or, you could try the sentimental route and get a commemorative photo or book or trinket from where you are currently, so they can take it with them to their new life somewhere else.Gifts for the CoworkerChanging CreersMaybeyour coworker is switching fieldsor even careers. A gift to commemorate the new job is a lovely gesture of support. A little gift bag of useful items, trinkets, or aspirational things suited for their new job or role can be very much appreciatedparticularly if you add a little note of support to send them off with confidenceGifts for the CoworkerWho Found Success on the JobWas there a particular achievement you shared? Consider having your team find an object or souvenir that symbolizes your work together. Then frame it, or put it on a stand, and make sure to a ll sign it in permanent marker. Wherever your coworker goes, theyll have the memory both of the accomplishment and of your team to brighten their office.Gifts for the Coworker You Dont Know That WellIf you dont have the time or energy to put together one of these more specialized gifts, the old standbys are always available Try a bouquet of flowers and a group-signed card on their desk. A bottle of champagne or their favorite wine. Or even simply slap a bow on a schachtel of chocolates. Remember, its the thought that counts.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Is Your Marriage On the Rocks 9 Signs the Answer Is Yes, According to Psychology

Is Yur Marriage On the Rocks 9 Signs the Answer Is Yes, According to Psychology In Western cultures, more than 90 percent of people marry by the age of 50 but only a fraction of those people last in their marriages, according to the American Psychological Association. In fact, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce, and the divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higzu sich.While the divorce rate in the country does appear to be dropping (the percentage began falling in the early 1990s and has since continued to decrease), there are still 3.2 divorces per 1,000 married couples. If you feel like your marriage is failing, youre notlage alone.But there are some red flags you can look out for that suggest you might be on your way to divorce. Then, you can either turn things around or at least better prepare yourself for whats ahead.Here are nine signs that your marriage is in trouble, according to psychology.1. Youre quick to find faults in one anot her.Lets be clear Criticizing your lebensabschnittsgefhrte is a whole lot different than offering a critique to help your partner.Critiques and complaints tend to be about specific issues, whereas criticism has to do with attacking your partners character and who they are, according to Psych Central. For example, a complaint might be We havent gone on vacation together in so long Im tired of hearing about our money troubles Here we see a specific issue being addressed that is a problem for one partner. A criticism might go something like this You never want to spend money on us Its your fault we can never go away together because you spend all our money on useless things This is an outright attack on the partners character. It is guaranteed to put them in defensive mode and sets the tone for war.2. You walk on eggshells around one another.When you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around your partner, or they express that they feel like they have to walk on eggshells around yo u, its not a good sign.Relationships where you have to tread lightly each day you wake up you are figuratively having to walk on eggshells because your partner or someone you know behaves or acts all too frequently with a constellation of traits that are simply toxic so toxic that you have to be ever so careful around them, lest they lash out at you, writes Joe Navarro, author of Dangerous Personalities, for Psychology Today.3. Your partners familiar ways irritate you.Sure, annoyance can be a sign of a good relationship. After all, when youre so comfortable around your partner, or theyre so comfortable around you, thats why you or they may abflug exhibiting unterstellung annoying behaviors. And comfort is a good thing. Besides, if your partner doesnt annoy you at all, it might be because youre emotionally withdrawn, which isnt good.When you first start dating someone, its common to be on your absolute best behavior especially if you really like the other person so youll refrain from certain behaviors you may enjoy, like getting up at noon on weekends or eating a bag of Doritos for dinner, Kira Asatryan, a relationship coach and author of Stop Being Lonely told Time. But eventually, the real you is bound to come out and start exasperating your partner. In some ways, annoying one another is a sign that youre in a real relationship.That said, when everything your partner does starts to irritate you, and you begin judging them and lashing out on them or keeping pent up frustration inside, thats not a good sign for your relationship.4. Emotional abuse is common in your relationship.Contrary to popular belief, emotional abuse can certainly be as serious or harmful as physical abuse.Some tactics of emotional abuse by an abuser, according to Springtide Resources, includeIsolating you from friends, family, cultural or faith community and care providersPreventing you from having independent activities such as work or other educationActing overly jealous or possessiv e, and accusing you of having affairs if you talk to another personCoercing you into sexual activity to prove your loveCriticizing you constantly about her actions, size and appearance, and abilitiesUsing your disability to demean or control youThreatening, intimidating, harassing or punishing you if you dont comply with your abusive partners demandsUsing the children to control you, undermining your authority as a parent or threatening to take them if you should leaveMaking all of the decisions in the family, withholding information and refusing to consult you on or about important matters such as where you live or your familys financesControlling the moneywhat is spent and how it is spent, and not allowing you access to financial resources, or conversely not contributing to any of the household expensesOf course, emotional abuse can wreck a relationship.5. You live like a single person.If youre living like a single person, going out with other romantic interests, traveling by your self without your partner all the time (sometimes is, of course, okay and even arguably healthy) or sleeping alone, for examples, this could be a sign that your relationship is in trouble. Of course, maybe you and your partner have a more open relationship, and you both enjoy your independence, but if either one of you begins crossing boundaries, thats a major red flag.6. You dont turn to your partner when youre stressed.A wealth of research suggests that couples can indeed help each other cope with stress, which improves their relationship. Thats because ignoring stress can take a toll on your marriage, especially if one or both of you becomes snappy, irritable, withdrawn or totally depressed. And it can even become contagious your partner can take on your stresses, too.If you dont turn to your partner when youre stressed, this could be a problem for your relationship. Working through stress together can help your relationship, and evading that confrontation can be detrimental.7. Your future plans dont include your partner.If youre making plans for or even just fantasizing about your future, and those plans or fantasies do not include your partner, that may be a major issue for your marriage. Thinking about quitting your job to travel the world, adopting children, moving to a new city or something else, but you dont want to do it with your partner? Thats a red flag.8. Your relationship is lacking in physical intimacy.There are tons of benefits of having more sexual intimacy with your partner. In fact, according to a 2015 study conducted in China, more sex and better quality sex actually increases happiness. And, when our bodies secrete cortisol and adrenaline (epinephrine) during sexual intimacy, it helps us to relieve stress. Another hormone, oxytocin, is also released with sexual stimulation and that can boost your mood.Without all these natural life enhancers, your relationship may be in trouble. Besides, if you dont want to have sex with your partner, that could be a sign of something deeper.9. You or your partner physically or emotionally cheats.If either your or your partner physically or emotionally cheats, its first a breach of trust, and you need trust for a relationship to last. Second, the cheating may have happened because of an underlying issue in your relationship. According to a study published in the Journal of Sex Research, people cheat for all kinds of reasons from not feeling sexually satisfied to feeling stuck in the relationship. Any of these reasons could ultimately lead to the demise of your relationship, if the cheating alone does not.--AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about womens empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog,, and follow her journeys on Instagram her_report,Twitterherreportand Facebook.